Better Meal Planning

Personal chef training changed Denise’s approach to meal planning.

It’s this approach she wants to share with you! Having personally experienced the health improvements from following this program, she focuses her training materials on empowering you to incorporate plant-based foods into your diet in today’s time crunched society.

Plant Based Foods Should Feed Your Soul.

There are many sites on the internet that share “once a month cooking recipes.” Very few are plant based. That’s what makes this online training different.

I must admit that I love cheese, sour cream, and cottage cheese. It has taken a lot of experimenting to come up with recipes that replace these products effectively.

I don’t trust most products in the marketplace, so I make most of my own replacements. This ensures you also use the best quality ingredients in your cooking. There are no trans fats and very little refined oil in my recipes.

It’s exciting to pull all my experience together into providing training materials that will bless you with better health and a better life. I look forward to enabling you to use personal chef skills to enjoy healthy meals in today’s time-crunched world.