What Makes AFTB Different?

All For The Better is about maximum health and quality of life.

The science is there to back it. The more plant-based, unrefined foods we eat, the lower our chances of becoming a cancer, diabetes, or heart disease statistic. So much of the food we buy off the shelf damages our arteries and attacks our cells. I was shocked when I learned that pancake mix with its powdered milk and eggs has already damaged our artery walls within 24 hours of eating those pancakes. The process of drying the milk and eggs oxidizes the cholesterol, turning it into a powerful enemy to artery health.

All For The Better recipes are completely cholesterol free. You will not get oxidized cholesterol in any of the foods we teach you to prepare. We also design our menus to come in with a total fat content of 10 to 25% calories from fat, using very little refined oil.

Did you know that even organic milk products contain IGF-1? Mother cows produce this powerful hormone naturally so their calves can double their birthweight in 5 weeks. Unfortunately for humans IGF-1 is one of the most potent cancer promoting hormones out there. If you are at high risk for breast cancer, you don’t want this hormone in your diet. If you replace milk with plant-based options, you reduce your cancer risk significantly.

What if I have cancer? A plant-based diet is the best way to assist your body in the war against cancer. Not only will you benefit from fibers that help to keep the colon clear and purify the blood, you will also benefit from the synergistic nature of nutrients that foods alone can provide.

You will especially benefit by eliminating dairy products from your diet. All dairy, even organic, contains the cancer promoting agent, IGF-1. The milk you buy off the shelf in most grocery shelves is especially high because of hormones that cows are given to stimulate milk production. Sour cream and butter are 10 to 12 times higher than low-fat milk.

The All For The Better diet offers your body the tools to fight cancer before it starts.

What if I have high blood pressure? A plant-based diet supports lower blood pressure by providing the elements your body needs to relax your arteries. Animal-based foods are very low in these vital elements. When you combine plant-based foods with a moderate exercise program, you promote low blood pressure naturally.

What if I am a diabetic? There is no better way to control blood sugar for either a Type I or Type II diabetic than a well-planned plant-based diet. Almost all Type II diabetics can get off meds completely by combining a plant-based diet with exercise.

What if I have cardio-vascular disease? One of the wonderful benefits of plant-based foods is the way they promote lower cholesterol. They also increase your body’s production of the artery scrounging HDL cholesterol and keep the artery clogging LDL cholesterol counts low. These changes can show up in your blood work in less than 30 days. Combined with moderate exercise, these plaque reducing changes are significant enough to show up in an MRI. In three years, many people who shift to a plant-based diet show a complete return to clear arteries.